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Tyre revolution: Bis Rexx haul truck's efficiency secrets

Tyre revolution: Bis Rexx haul truck's efficiency secrets
This article was published by Ben Hailes on 26 November, 2019

Launched in 2018 by Australian logistics company Bis, the Rexx is a mine haulage truck designed to deliver greater efficiency.

Bis designed the Rexx to transport a 160-tonne payload for 40km at a normal operating speed of 60km/h – that’s at least four times further than conventional dump trucks.

How have they done it? Well, other haul trucks are limited by their tyres heating. Rather than the usual four oversized tyres, the Rex instead uses 20 road train tyres; because they’re smaller, they don’t overheat.

According to Bis, the smaller tyres are also cheaper and simpler to maintain – and if one tyre is punctured, work doesn’t have to grind to a halt. Having 20 tyres and five axles also makes the truck adaptable to different terrains – including wet conditions – due to increased surface area, reduced ground pressure and a more evenly distributed load.

Another potential money saver for mining companies is that the Rexx is smaller than most. With a width of 4.8 metres and a fully loaded weight of 230 tonnes, it’s able to take on narrower, lower-specification roads, which can save on infrastructure costs. Its turning circle is also a tight 13.6 metres, so it’s comfortable manoeuvring in small areas.

Depending on the commodity and situation, Rexx can be used with a range of interchangeable tubs, which can also optimise payload.

By keeping its design robust and simple, Bis has aimed to deliver a haulage solution that keeps costs low for its customers. They haven’t skimped on safety though – GPS driver monitoring and fatigue detection systems are included, and cameras offer operators customisable 360-degree views of their surroundings.

The cab is also 2.4 metres from the ground, allowing safer, easier access via a pneumatically controlled stairway – compared to the usual 6-7 metre height and standard ladder style access for conventional dump trucks.

You can check out the Rexx in action below.

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